TEPCO has a countermeasure to the leak of highly concentrated, contaminated water after the reverse osmosis treatment. Sandbags. And some shiny steel "barrages" as TEPCO calls them.
From TEPCO's photos for the press (3/28/2012):

Title: New inspections find grave risks persist at Japan’s ravaged reactors
Source: New York Times
Date: March 29, 2012
Source: New York Times
Date: March 29, 2012
Fukushima Daiichi’s vital cooling systems were knocked out in the early stages of the crisis last year. The uranium cores at three of the plant’s six reactors quickly melted down, breaching their containment vessels and triggering a massive radiation leak.
The above New York Times article appears to contradict previous reports by Tepco, Japan’s gov’t, and the media. This article excerpt from The Japan Times shortly after a state of cold shutdown was declared is one of many examples:
Based on a computer simulation, Tepco believes reactors 1, 2 and 3 suffered meltdowns [...] and that the fuel rods inside melted through the pressure vessels and stopped just short of breaching their containment vessels.
Yomiuri: “The worst-case scenario is a China syndrome” [...] A China syndrome refers to a situation in which nuclear fuel in a reactor melts and goes through a containment vessel -Masao Yoshida, former chief of the Fukushima Daiichi plant
Title: An interview with Mr. Koichi Oyama from Minamisoma (Oct.2011)
Uploaded by: amuosim
Upload Date: Mar 30, 2012
Uploaded by: amuosim
Upload Date: Mar 30, 2012
Interview with Mr. Koichi Oyama, member of the city council in MinamisÅma city
At 4:02 in
It is the well-known fact to people in Fukushima area that there are 9% of plutonium in uranium in Fukushima Ⅲ Nuclear Power Plant and people are aware things will get devastating if something happens in the plant Ⅲ.Actually, what happened is an explosion.But, videos of the explosion are not allowed to be seen. [...]
Is Mr. Oyama hinting that what ‘actually’ happened to cause the explosion at No. 3 is related to the plutonium?
Full Video:
Title: Water levels low in Fukushima reactor
Source: UPI
Date: March. 29, 2012 at 4:43 PM
Source: UPI
Date: March. 29, 2012 at 4:43 PM
Water levels in at least one reactor at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant are lower than estimated, putting it at risk of a new meltdown, the plant operator said.and...The report, the result of an internal investigation by Tokyo Electric Power Co., was released this week, The New York Times said. The company found cooling water in the containment vessel at the No. 2 reactor was only 2 feet from the bottom, when it had been estimated at 33 feet (10 meters) in December [...]
Title: Inquiry Into Fukushima Plant Suggests Worse Damage
Source: NYTimes
Date: March 29, 2012
Source: NYTimes
Date: March 29, 2012
and....[...] The spent fuel rods stored at the No. 4 reactor pose a particular threat, experts say, because they lie unprotected outside the unit’s containment vessel.Tokyo Electric has been racing to fortify the crumpled outer shell of the reactor, and to keep the tank fed with water.But should a problem also arise with cooling the spent fuel, the plant could run the risk of another colossal radiation leak, experts say. [...]
TEPCO has a countermeasure to the leak of highly concentrated, contaminated water after the reverse osmosis treatment. Sandbags. And some shiny steel "barrages" as TEPCO calls them.
From TEPCO's photos for the press (3/28/2012):
Note a heap of hoses in the 2nd photo, upper right. Also the hoses under the temporary bridge. How about the hose hanging on the side of the drain?
40 more years (or more) until they can even begin the decommission.
40 more years (or more) until they can even begin the decommission.
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