Jumat, 06 April 2012

Japan update......


Ministry of the Environment: "Tsunami Debris May Have Already Reached North America, Back in February..."

Oops. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution just recently released a paper saying the debris may reach North America in 1 to 2 years (see Huffington Post, 4/3/2012).

From Jiji Tsushin (4/6/2012):

Ministry of the Environment's Forecast of disaster debris in the ocean: it may have already reached North America


The Ministry of the Environment announced its forecast of the movement of the disaster debris in the [Pacific] ocean after the March 11, 2011 tsunami. According to the forecast, part of the debris floating on the surface of the ocean that is more easily affected by winds may have traveled across the Pacific Ocean and reached the west coast of Canada in February this year.


The Ministry's forecast of 1.33 million tonnes of debris from houses that got swept away, which consists the majority of the debris, shows about 3% of this type of debris, or about 41,300 tonnes, may reach within 10 kilometers off the west coast of North America by February 2013.
I can't find a press release on the subject at the Ministry's website. If the Ministry is to be believed, the first debris took only 11 months, instead of 1 to 2 years (I remember they were counting on two years).
Even the NOAA seems to have changed the story a little bit, and now says "NOAA researchers are currently relying on computer models to predict the debris items’ path and drift rate, but it's possible that some buoyant materials are reaching U.S. shorelines right now."

By the way, the Huffington Post article is more about the radioactivity of seawater, but here are some clarifications for readers who will go read it and get confused. The writer says:
Even so, Buesseler said, the radioactivity levels are still below what is allowed in food in Japan, which is 500 Bq per kilogram of "wet" weight.
Not any more. As of April 1, 2012, that level is 100 Bq/kg, and it's only for radioactive cesium.

The writer also says:
And while cesium was present in the fish, it doesn't accumulate up the food chain the way polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) or mercury do.
That's what Japan's Fisheries Agency claimed last year, right after the accident occurred. It does accumulate up the food chain, particularly when there is a constant supply of radioactive cesium in the environment.

The researchers also found silver-110, but it wasn't clear that was from the Fukushima plant.
Most likely, they detected Ag-110m, which has a half life of 250 days. It would be definitely from the Fukushima plant.




#Fukushima I Nuke Plant Waste Water Leak: TEPCO Insists It Was Only 150 Milliliters That Leaked into the Ocean

12 tonnes of waste water after the reverse osmosis leaked when the Kanaflex hose decoupled, but TEPCO says hardly any of that water reached the ocean. Rejoice.

150 milliliters is 150 cubic centimeters. One liter is 1,000 milliliters, or 1,000 cubic centimeters. 1 tonne is 1,000 liters.

So, TEPCO is telling us only 0.00125% of the waste water leaked into the ocean. OK, then. Where did the water go?

From Jiji Tsushin (4/6/2012):

TEPCO calculated the amount of the leak into the ocean as "150 milliliters", out of 12 tonnes of waste water that leaked at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant


TEPCO announced on April 6 that only about 150 milliliters of the 12-tonne waste water that leaked from the pipe in early hours on April 5 from the contaminated water treatment system at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant made it to the ocean.

TEPCO collected samples of seawater at the south water discharge outlet for Reactors 1 through 4 in the morning of April 6 and measured the radioactivity. The result showed the density of beta nuclides was below the detection level (0.018 becquerels/1 milliliter [cubic centimeter]). 5日午後の検査でも、検出限界値をわずかに上回る0.024ベクレルで、松本純一原子力・立地本部長代理は「トン単位で出たら、もっと濃度は高いはず」と主張。汚染水のうち海に流出したのは150ミリリットル程度とした。

In the sampling test done in the afternoon of April 5, it was 0.024 becquerels [per 1 millimeter], only slightly above the no-detection level. TEPCO's Matsumoto said the density would be much higher if the leak was in tonnes, and put the amount of the waste water that leaked into the ocean at about 150 milliliters.
Well, considering TEPCO is pouring 23 tonnes of water PER HOUR total into the broken reactors, 12 tonnes may not be much at all, except for concentrated beta nuclides.

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